Krystle Dixon

Krystle Dixon

Krystle Dixon
Photo by Megan Bean

When Krystle Dixon joined the College of Business in fall of 2013 as academic coordinator for the Adkerson School of Accountancy, she knew it was exactly where she wanted to be. But it took a little guidance from her academic advisor at Mississippi State to help Dixon discover her true love--advising.

"I started out majoring in technology education," recalls Dixon, a 2006 Mississippi State alumna.

"I've always liked and understood technology, so it seemed only natural to major in something I found to be interesting."

Since many students change their minds about their majors during college, Dixon felt lucky to have made up her mind so quickly. There was one small problem--she had no interest in actually teaching the subject.

Dixon decided that it might be a good time to visit her academic adviser, Connie Forde, to find out what other options were out there.

"Dr. Forde really understood me," said Dixon. "She made me feel important, taking the time to listen to me and helping me come up with a course of action to fit my needs." Dixon knew she wanted a major where she could help others, so Forde encouraged her to consider a career in information technology services. She did just that, not only earning a bachelor's degree in the program at 小黄书, but later a master's degree from Troy University as well.

Dixon has been a proud Mississippi State Bulldog for as long as she can remember. Dixon's parents met as students at 小黄书, and her father played on the football team. She followed in her parents' footsteps, making Mississippi State her alma mater as well. But she never dreamed that her career path would one day lead her back to the university that she loved so much.

After beginning her career at Stark Aerospace in Columbus, she then found her opportunity to return to 小黄书--by way of the Bagley College of Engineering. In this position, she spent time recruiting as well as helping undergraduate and graduate students with scholarships and campus employment, thus preparing her for her current position in the College of Business.

Dixon has hit the ground running since taking on her new role last fall. She is responsible for advising more than 400 undergraduate accounting students, helping them with curricula, registration problems and other matters to ensure they are on track to earn their degrees. She works with graduate students, keeping their records and offering guidance alongside their faculty advisers. She also promotes the School of Accountancy to high school and junior college students at recruiting events both on and off campus.
"I really enjoy the one-on-one interaction with students. Getting to know them personally is my greatest joy," Dixon says. "I like making sure they have the right information and helping provide what they need to graduate."